
The more frequent the exposure to a substance, the greater the chance of developing an allergy to it. The repeated consumption of a specific food, such as a mango for example, can lead to the development of an allergy to it by depleting the enzyme systems that are needed to break down that food. Most people likewise only eat a few different kinds of foods, just in a variety of forms, and they are usually the foods they like best.
For example, if a person particularly likes potatoes, they will have them baked, boiled, as hash-brows, french fries, or in stews and soups. Dairy, one of the top allergenic foods, is also often a staple in the Western diet, consumed in various forms, such as milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, and ice cream. This daily overeating of a few specific foods has the effect of stressing the enzyme systems to handle that food. If the food is also an allergenic food – such a milk, wheat, corn, or eggs – the body’s capacity to deal with it is even lessened.


The solution?

Begin by eliminating the most common food allergens from your diet for 4-6 weeks. The most important being: wheat, gluten, sugar, coffee, dairy products (particularly milk and cheese), eggs, corn, pork, and beef. This temporary elimination will allow the immune and digestive systems time to heal. After 4-6 weeks have passed, foods can be reintroduced one at a time with a 4-5 day period between each one. This process will also help detect and pinpoint any food sensitivities.
Sugar and coffee should still be kept to a very minimum (as they are anti nutrients), as well as homogenized, pasteurized milk products, and processed packaged foods. Think of it this way: the longer the shelf-life the shorter yours.
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