There is a great blog post by Silvia Mordini explaining the things she’s ‘quitting’ and why you should too. As someone that has always believed that you keep working, you fix what’s broken, you never stop ‘sticking it out,’ this idea of simply quitting particularly intrigued me. Don’t get me wrong, I have always believed in the idea of ‘letting go of what doesn’t serve you anymore,’ but somehow this idea of just quitting seemed much less drawn on. Much more final. Much more refreshing.
Here are a list of things Silvia tells you quit today:
- Quit your worry habit.
- Quit waiting to get permission.
- Quit holding it in: Just go ahead and let yourself go.
- Quit being concerned with what other people think about your life.
- Quit waiting for someone to love you before you think you’re good enough.
- Quit movies you don’t enjoy. Just stand up, walk out, or turn off your TV.
- Quit books that are half-read and uninspiring.
- Quit making yourself sick by sticking it out (creating a surge in stress hormones like cortisol).
- Quit looking backwards and trying to understand why things happen.
- Quit comparing yourself to anyone else—even yourself at a different age.
- Quit waiting to start living your life once you have everyone—or everything—in order.
- Quit postponing the travels on your bucket list.
- Quit the job you hate.
- Quit social media and get over your fear of missing out.
- Quit waiting for things to be perfect before you get started.
In other words: reframe your experience.
As Silvia explains it:
“When I quit my high-paying corporate job at the peak of my career, those around me weren’t comfortable with my decision. Most people thought I’d lost my mind. I reframed it and explained to people that at the age of 35 I was taking an early retirement to do what I really loved from this point on. I learned the value of quitting.
After retiring from corporate life I went on to own a successful yoga studio with over 9,000 clients, and at the height of its success I sold it to start something else. I quit things all the time. I don’t force myself to eat a meal I’m not enjoying, even if I’ve paid a lot of money for it. If I walk into a hotel and feel like I can do better I will quit it without checking in, and go somewhere else. I quit jobs in toxic environments even if I don’t have another job to go to. I quit one-sided relationships. I quit trying to make other people comfortable. I’ve become an expert quitter.”
Look at your life and I am pretty positive that each and every one of us could benefit from stopping, leaving, or releasing something that simply isn’t working.
So why not start now? Go quit something.