
Reading Food Labels & Understanding What They Mean

People look at food labels for different reasons. But whatever the reason, many consumers would like to know how to use this information more effectively and easily. The following label-building skills are intended to make it easier for you to read and use nutrition...

Homemade Sunscreen How-To

It’s finally that time of year when we need to start thinking about skin protection! Looking tanned may be in, but we can guarantee that looking like a lobster is not. We’ve tried out some homemade sunscreen recipes and have found this one by Wellness Mama...

The Dirty Dozen

Do you ever wonder which fruits and veggies are most important to buy organically? If any? If you are on a food budget, consider spending the extra money on the Dirty Dozen and worrying less about the rest. Here is a breakdown of clean vs. dirty: The Dirty Dozen (in...

Altering the Effects of an Aging Athlete

Old athletes are old for many diverse reasons. But the primary one is due to their relatively slow rate of recovery following stressful workouts. Someone can be ‘old’ at age 35 due to a poor rate of recovery. In fact, recovery is probably the key to performance at all...

“What’s for Dinner?”

Find yourself asking that dreaded question: “What’s for dinner?” Check-out this awesome spicy chicken thigh recipe. Serve it alongside some homemade sweet potato fries and you’re set! Spicy Chicken Thighs 3 pounds boneless, skinless, chicken...

Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

SUGAR – it’s everywhere. Especially when it comes to the supplement industry, as many ‘energy bars’ currently on the market have just as much if not more sugar than most chocolate bars. And when you get right down to it, sugar is sugar; all...